I would like to thank Debbie over at
SwampBilly Ranch for the Stylish Blogger Award. Nothing says stylish more than a transplanted West Virginian hanging out in the swamps of Florida!
How's this for Stylish! Can you identify me?
How about now?
I found this laying in the grass in the yard one evening and had to get a picture of it.
I don't know what kind of a moth it is but it is beautiful!
I would like to thank Perri from
Mud on the Tracks for the So Sweet Award. Perri was the inspiration for the start of this blog and she has accomplished great things on her farm in Massachusetts.
What could be sweeter than a four year old holding farm fresh eggs!
Or a drink of Kahlua mixed with fresh goats milk! Yes OFG, I drank it and I liked it!
Both awards require me to list seven things that folks don't know about me, so here goes.
1. I once dyed my hair blond. I didn't really have more fun either.
2. I once dyed my hair red. Everyone thought I had a temper, I didn't.
3. I absolutely love Holly Hobbie and Friends.
4. I still have my childhood collection of the Little House on the Prairie Books.
5. I want warm Vernors when I have an upset stomach. You may have to be from Michigan to understand that one.
6. I was not very good at sports as a kid, but once I learned to laugh at myself I loved playing them. For example, I was in a bowling league with an average of 54 - they loved me for my handicap(s).
7. I'm going back to school this summer after a 16 year hiatus. I am taking a College Statistics course starting next week with one of my son's - I wonder if he will let me copy?

Wednesday morning Orchid died giving birth, it was horrible. Tuesday evening I had noticed that she was very puffy and bagged up, I thought something was wrong but wasn't sure what to do. Orchid stayed close to the barn so I thought she was going to lamb at any time. The next morning when I checked on her I noticed a hoof was hanging out, this was a ominous sign. Things went downhill quickly from this point. The baby was stuck and dead, the only thing I could do was get my gloves and see if I could remove it. I tried and tried, it was horrible and Orchid was in pain. I called all the local vets and received no call backs. I finally called the Commander at work and told him to come home as Orchid needed to be put down. I went back out to be with her and decided to give it one more try - I was able to get the poor baby out!
At this point Orchid was in bad shape so I emailed
Pipestone Vet Clinic and one of their Vets emailed me back! How wonderful, he answered from his blackberry and provided me with some detailed advice.
I gave Orchid the recommended medications (I was amazed I had them all) but she didn't look good. I decided to bring the rest of the sheep into the barn with her while I picked my daughter up from school so that if she died she wouldn't be alone, I couldn't allow that to happen. The Commander found her dead before I could get back, I was heartbroken. When I examined her later she appeared to have a ruptured uterus, she never had a chance. Orchid was such a character, she so loved her cookies. I will miss her and her baby that wasn't to be.
Our first year as shepherds was a tough one, we lost two ewes out of the five we started with. The three remaining ewes gave us three female lambs and one ram lamb. I love them all but I will never forget Orchid, I hope she liked living here.