Today made all the work we have done the past year worth while. I was in the kitchen on the telephone when I heard some odd noises coming from the goat barn over the baby monitor. I rushed out there thinking that Becca Boo was getting ready to give birth but it turned out to be Addison instead. As I got there I noticed she had begun to pass her baby, I could see his little face and front hooves peeking out. As I watched one of the front legs began to slide back in! Knowing that this could complicate the birth I decided to give her a little help. As I got down there I noticed the little guys tongue was hanging out inside the sack and I had a sick feeling that he was going to be stillborn. I got hold of him and guided the hooves clear as Addison pushed him out - she did all the work.
Sara started to go crazy when Addison was crying out with labor pains. She was jumping up over the dutch door and banging into the side walls of the barn. I had to let her in to calm her down. Once inside Sara calmed right down after Addison stopped calling out. Look at her sitting there with her "arms" crossed like an expecting father. Sara loves her goats so much!
Once the little guy was clear Addison immediately began to clean him up. I was so proud of her, I think she is going to be a great mother. I used some micro-fiber towels to absorb the birthing fluids. It worked great as an adsorber but the hay and straw in the barn stuck to them like glue. Look at his white ears, I think they are just adorable.
Addison was tired but I made sure she fed her little boy before I left them alone. He was dry and fed in no time, he soon was exploring the birthing stall on his ever strengthening legs. I so love listening to Addison "talk" to her little guy, she makes all kinds of noises I have never heard before.
The new guy even made Sara happy by touching noses with her. Life on the farm is truly a miracle, I feel so blessed to have witnessed this birth. Sara's herd has expanded by one as of today!
The Final Five
23 hours ago