What do you do when your animals try to eat you out of house and home? You get Premier's Electric Netting. The netting is easy to set up, comes in either 82' of 164' lengths, and has variable power sources.

Here is a picture of the 9 volt dry cell battery that powers our fence. The battery is inexpensive and long lasting. A 12v rechargeable battery is also available as well as a solar panel.

Once the fence is set up (less than 10 minutes) the girls are now free to explore lush new grazing areas out away from their current over worked pasture.

The boys are happy to have an expanded front area that includes new areas of clover.

Killarney enjoys the grass in the open air, away from the overhanging trees. Sara (the border collie), two of the goats, and several of the sheep have been poked by the fence, and they have all gotten used to avoiding it. In time we may be able to not even power the fence as they will all have a healthy avoidance instinct built up.

Killarney is really dark and quite handsome. All three of our rams are unique, we really have to thank Ronda at Greener Pastures for providing us with such quality stock.

The grass is great, but the boys sometimes like "chewing down the forest".