
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Growing Fowl

The chickens and guineas are getting big. Here is our lone Rhode Island Red (Lucy) eating out of a tray with a Lavender and a Royal Guinea.

Even though Lucy is younger than the Golden Wyandottes she is the same size.

Our lone White Guinea, she too is younger than the rest. We have no idea how to tell if a Guineas is male or female, they all look the same so far.

One of the Lavender Guineas. The Guineas have not started to make much noise yet, maybe they won't?

All the fowl like the wood chips, they dig out foxholes and lay in the sun.

A couple of the Wyandotte's by a hole they dug, heck, everyone is doing it.


  1. Foxholes? I know what you mean, but the term, used with birds makes me giggle. I don't know how you tell guineas apart. I'm sure THEY will figure it out... I am hoping to have some growing fowl of my own, in a day or two, will blog if it happens. Or, possibly, even if it doesn't.


  2. Cat, Can't wait to read about what you get.

  3. Our guinea keets are just starting to get their voices. The females make 2 syllable sounds, males 1 syllable. Our guinea keets aren't very noisy, just every now and then they call, like when I bring them treats, or when it's bedtime. And their noises are soft and pretty. Your keets are beautiful! I believe ours are lavender - they look just like your lavenders with the white spots.

  4. I had 8 French Guineas and some coyote or owl or hawk had gourmet lunches or something because had is the operative word here. But, the females do make a 2 syllable sound and the males one. The female can imitate the male, but not vice versa. The sound is supposedly "buck - wheat". Good luck with them. I miss mine.

  5. The Guineas are a lot of fun to watch, and I can't wait to let some of them loose. We have so many predators here that I am afraid we may suffer the same fate as you have been dealt.
