
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Break time

Sara likes to take a break with her Frisbee after a hard day of herding goats. Notice the goat shed in the background, painting is almost complete. The two spools we got for the goats to play on can also be seen.


  1. Oh, I love frisbee-catching dogs! It's important to play a little after a hard day's work!
    Nice spools!! Yours are HUGE!

  2. Sara is very jealous for attention, so after we put the goats away we make sure to play either frisbee or fetch the tennis ball with her.

    The spools just look big in the distance, when Addison is on them she covers the same proportional area as Reggie. Very good idea about using roofing tiles to cover the holes and reducing the slickness by the way.

  3. Sara does a great frisbee catching job and I am sure she is a wonderful goat herder too.
    My son brought some spools here and I ended up using one for my gardening table in the back yard.
    The goat shed looks good.
    Have a great day.

  4. Pam, Thanks for stopping by. I love your blog and am very jealous of your water wheel.
